Care Category Comments

Care category finalized encounter note comments from the past 90 days will be listed after the lab values of the care categories in the ESRD/AKI Mgmt tab of the patient’s chart.  This section will display the comment(s) and the date of the encounter.  Comments displayed are from finalized encounter notes created in OneView.  Comments in an unfinalized OneView encounter note or a Falcon Silver encounter note will not be displayed.

If the comment is more than 8 lines in length, the option to view the entire comment will be available by clicking EXPAND. The comment can be collapsed once expanded.

COPY IN will be enabled and turn blue when a note is started.  Click the COPY IN to pull the comment information from the selected finalized note.

COPY IN functionality should only be used when the included wording accurately reflects and represents the care and observations from that specific patient visit and should not be inserted to any patient record without careful review.  All copied text must be thoroughly evaluated for appropriateness to the specific encounter.

Click the document icon above the care category encounter note and a separate tab will open with the full encounter PDF.

NOTE: The encounter note functionality is only available to specific users at this time.

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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