
Problems displays in the CWOW patient’s chart under the Clinical Summary tab in the “Problems” section.  Both providers and DaVita care team members will create and maintain a patient’s problems list.  Problems added, edited, and deleted in OneView and CWOW will display on the Rcopia Problem List. 

The patient’s current problems are displayed by default and in a collapsed form indicated by a horizontal arrow (>).  The current problem data includes the problem name, SNOMED (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine) code, ICD-10 code, added or updated date, and the user who added or updated the problem.

Click the arrow to expand the problem data, which will include: the information list above, as well as reported date, onset date, onset info, managing provider, and problem comments, if available.  Problems marked as a priority are display at the top of the list with an orange star.  The most recently added priority problem will show first if there is more than one priority problem.

To re-sort the current problem list, click “Priority” and a dropdown list appears.  The options are Priority, Date Updated, Added by Me, Problem Name, and Role.

To add a problem:

STEP 1: Click the +ADD button

STEP 2: Begin typing a problem name to search and then select from the populated list

STEP 3: Enter the appropriate problem details

NOTE: Problem, Reported Date, Source, and Status are required fields.  The Onset Date field can be marked as an approximated date.

STEP 4: Click SAVE or SAVE & CREATE NEW button

To edit a problem:

STEP 1: Click the Edit icon next to the appropriate problem

STEP 2: Edit the appropriate fields

NOTE: All fields can be modified except for the problem name and associated SNOWMED and ICD-10 codes.

STEP 3: Click the SAVE button

To resolve a problem:

STEP 1: Click the Remove icon next to the appropriate problem

STEP 2: Select Resolved as the clinical status

STEP 3: Enter the resolved date and comments if needed

STEP 4:Click the UPDATE button

To delete a problem:

STEP 1: Click the Remove icon next to the appropriate problem

STEP 2: Select the appropriate clinical status

NOTE: The original author is the only user that can permanently remove the problem by choosing the “Entered In Error” option.  A problem that a clinician enters in CWOW that the provider deems inaccurate may be deleted in OneView.  Clinicians may not delete problems that a provider creates.

STEP 3: Click the DELETE button

NOTE: Problems marked as “Entered In Error” in OneView will not be visible in Rcopia.

Problems resolved or deleted are moved from the “Current” list to the “Resolved/Deleted” list, and the priority will be removed.

To re-sort the resolved/deleted problem list, click “Date Updated” and a dropdown list will appear.  The options are Date Updated, Added by Me, Problem Name, Role, Resolved, and Deleted.

Non-provider practice users can view the Problems List for their physician’s/APPs patients by navigating to PATIENTS.  The data is under the Problems section in the Clinical Summary tab of the patient’s chart and is read-only.

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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