Bundled Home Medications

Some home medications are for dialysis treatment and will be paid for by Davita (the deliverer of the treatment).  The specific medications are commonly referred to as “Bundled Meds.”  Bundled means the medication is paid for or bundled into the price of treatment that DaVita receives reimbursement for when treating a patient.  For DaVita, bundled meds must be filled by the Welldyne Pharmacy and mailed to the patient’s home.

The criteria used to determine if medication is in the bundle are the medication, patient’s modality, and formulary bundle name the patient is on.  When ePrescribing, medications that meet the bundled criteria will display a message and auto-populate the Pharmacy field with the Welldyne Pharmacy.  The “Pharmacy” field can only be changed in Rcopia.

Medications that have not met the bundle criteria display the “Pharmacy” selector field with a message to indicate the medication is not in the bundle.  Please pay close attention to the Pharmacy selector because the last pharmacy used will default in the field.  If the prior medication was bundled, then Welldyne will be selected. Click the “Pharmacy” field.  A list of the patient's favorite pharmacies will be displayed in a dropdown.  Select the appropriate pharmacy for the non-bundled medication.

NOTE:  When ePrescribing a medication, the pharmacy field defaults to the last pharmacy used.  Please pay extra attention to the Pharmacy selector and select the appropriate pharmacy.

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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