
A provider can create their preference on how to default their patient list on the Dialysis Schedule, as well as, enable or disable the copy forward comments from the most recent finalized note into a new note under Settings > Customization.  The copy forward function can be enabled or disabled for all note types except Non-Billable, Transition of Care, or Home Training.  Your preference can be modified at any time.

To create the patient list display preference:

STEP 1: Select Settings >Customization from the menu

STEP 2: Select the appropriate patient list preference radio button

NOTE: Change your preferences at any time.

When the patient list display preferences are selected, the Dialysis Schedule will always default to that selection.

To create the copy forward preference:

STEP 1: Select Settings >Customization from the menu

STEP 2: Select the appropriate copy forward comments preference radio button

STEP 3: Select the specific ESRD/AKI Mgmt categories

NOTE: When enabling the function, click the “Select all ESRD/AKI Mgmt categories” checkbox to select all care categories.  If the “Do not copy forward comments” is selected, the ESRD/AKI Mgmt checkboxes are grayed out.

When the copy forward feature is enabled, the comment from the most recent finalized note will automatically appear in the selected care categories.  The copied comments can be edited or deleted.  If there is no comment in the most recent note, then that care category comment field will be blank.

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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