Mobile Snippets

Disclaimer: Snippets should only be used by the provider when the included wording accurately reflects and represents the care and observations from that specific patient visit. Snippets should not be applied to any patient record without careful review. All snippet text must be carefully reviewed before storing for future use and thoroughly evaluated for appropriateness at every instance of later use.

The snippet tool allows text frequently used for patient documentation to be inserted into the comments fields of the encounter note. OneView web version created snippets will be available for selection.

Snippets are user, note, and field-specific, meaning only the user who creates the snippet will have it available as an option to select, and the snippet will only be visible in that specific note and field in which it was created.

The provider should only use snippets when the included wording accurately reflects and represents the care and observations from that specific patient visit. Snippets should not be applied to any patient record without careful review. Snippets must be carefully reviewed before storing and thoroughly evaluated for appropriateness for later use. The snippet text can be modified if needed.

To use a snippet:

Step 1: Select the appropriate comment box from the encounter note

Step 2: Tap the Snippet icon

Step 3: Tap the blue plus sign to select the applicable snippet

Step 4: Repeat step 3 to select another snippet, if applicable

NOTE: The snippet text can be modified if needed.

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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