IKC Patients

The IKC Patients tab in the Patients menu provides access to patients participating in an IKC program. Data for the patient includes last name, first name, IKC badge, age, DOB, gender, phone number, and IKC program name. The list can be filtered by IKC program, patients (all, my, and covering), and modalities. Click on the patient’s name to open the patient’s chart.

Physicians can obtain the IKC patient population list by clicking DOWNLOAD MY IKC PATIENTS. Once the patient list is generated, a message that contains “PatientList successfully downloaded” appears. To close the message, click the “X” in the top right-hand corner.  The report is in an Excel format.

NOTE: Advance Practice Providers (APP) will not have the DOWNLOAD MY IKC PATIENTS option. 

The information displayed in the report is detailed below:

Column Description
Patient Name The name of the patient.
Patient ID The patient’s MPI number.
Patient DOB (MM/DD/YYYY) The patient’s date of birth. The format is month, day, year.
Patient Diagnosis The patient’s diagnosis. It will always be AKI at this time.
Primary Nephrologist The patient’s assigned nephrologist in Snappy or CWOW.
Dialysis facility The dialysis facility where the physician is treating the patient.
IKC Program Name of the IKC Program
Care Team Member Care Team members with their name, role, and email address, if available

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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