IKC Hospitalization Risk Rating

The Risk Rating (1-5) badge for IKC patients appears in the Patient Chart, Dialysis Schedule, Current and IKC Patients list.  It will show before the IKC badge and does not differentiate between programs (i.e., CKCC/IKC).

The 1-5 ratings are documented in CWOW and based on the Core Team's analysis of whether or not the patient is at risk of hospitalization within the next 30 days.  The data will come from the CWOW Clinical Management Tool (CCMT).

  • Rating 4-5: Team is concerned or very concerned
  • Rating 2-3: Team has some concern
  • Rating 1: Team has no concern

Hover over the badge, and the reason and the date of the last rating will be displayed.

The Current and IKC Patients list (under Patients) will also be able to filter by this data.

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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