Pending and Refill ePrescriptions
As a provider, you can initiate and send ePrescriptions for DaVita patients. Also, your care team can enter a new prescription in CWOW, on your behalf. After the teammate has prepped the prescription in CWOW, it will be sent to OneView Mobile, where you can review and take action to sign it.
When logging in, you must select Login with DaVita Credentials so the pending and refill tasks are visible. Dr. First iPrescribe, our eprescribe vendor, uses this login to verify the DaVita provider. The task cards appear on the Home feed when there are any outstanding pending prescriptions or refills along with the count.
Also, you must install or update the iPrescribe application to ensure you have the latest version of iPrescribe.
Click on the task to be redirected to iPrescribe. If the pending prescription task is clicked, the Pending queue will appear, allowing you to approve or delete the prescription. The Chat option is disabled. Multiple prescriptions can be acted on at onetime.
To approve an eRX:
Step 1: Select Approve for the appropriate prescriptions
Step2: Tap the Next button
NOTE: You may receive alerts. These alerts inform you of an unusual or potentially dangerous outcome of an action you are about to perform.
Step3: Complete the RX Review
Step4: Tap Sign and Send
NOTE: The Pharmacy field will default to the pharmacy the patient most recently used but can be modified.
The pending prescriptions or refills can be accessed by clicking on the task card from the Home feed or the Menu under Tasks.
They can also be accessed from the iPrescribe menu.
If the refill prescription task is clicked, the Renewal summary queue will appear, allowing the provider to renew, deny, change, or forward the refills.
To approve a refill:
Step 1: Select Renew for the appropriate prescriptions
Step 2: Tap the Next button
Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.