Practice User - Monthly Visit Summary

The Monthly Visit Summary report includes a list of all the patients for your practice physicians who were the associated primary nephrologist at the time of report generation, regardless of whether an encounter note has been documented or not.  You will also see any patients that they are not the primary nephrologist for, but have performed an encounter note on the patient in the selected month.  Patients that have zero documented encounters notes for the month will be prioritized to the top of the list.  The report can be used for billing purposes and will include encounter notes entered in OneView.

NOTE: It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the visit records included in the report prior to utilizing the information.

To generate a report, there is a two-step process for CWOW and Snappy patients.  First, you must create a report, and then you can download the report at a later time. 

To generate the report:

STEP 1: Select the Physicians criteria for the report.  One or more physicians can be selected for the report

NOTE: Only physicians who have confirmed their practice association in Settings >Practice are listed in the dropdown.  Physicians that have not completed this process, will not appear as a selection under the “Physicians” dropdown.  Please refer to the “Physician Practice Association” article for full details.

STEP 2: Select Date and Format

NOTE: Current Month and One row per visit is the default but can be modified, if needed. If the “One row per patient” option is selected, the report will contain all of the patient’s encounter data on one row instead of listing each encounter row separately.

STEP 3: Select Sort Option, optional

NOTE: If the “By Facility” checkbox option is selected, the report will contain additional worksheets. This option is not available for physicians

NOTE: If the “One row per patient” option is selected, the report will contain all of the patient’s encounter data on one row instead of listing each encounter row separately.  This option is not available for physicians.

STEP 4: Click Create Report

A message notifying you the report is being processed displays after you click the “Create Report” button

Once the report is created, the option to “ Download Report” (with the “last created” date and time) displays in the report area.  This workflow applies to both the Monthly Visit Summary and All Patient Insurance reports.

NOTE: The reports will be generated in an Excel format. 

If the report was sorted “By Facility”, the report will contain additional worksheets. The worksheets are per facility with the name of the worksheet equaling the Facility ID.   The worksheets only include information on patients with finalized encounters.  There is an additional worksheet labeled, “Patients with No Encounters” which includes information on all patients seen during the month who do not have an encounter note started, or an encounter note started but not finalized for that month. 

The information displayed in the report is detailed below.

Column Description
Patient Name The name of the patient.
Patient ID The patient’s MPI number
Primary Nephrologist The patient’s assigned nephrologist in Snappy.
Patient DOB (MM/DD/YYYY) The patient’s date of birth.  The format is month, day, year.
Patient Age (yrs) The patient’s age at the time of the encounter.
Visit date The date of the encounter.
Provider The provider that created the encounter.
Role The role of the provider.  The options are: Primary nephrologist, Covering nephrologist, or NPP.
Dialysis facility The dialysis facility where the encounter occurred.
Note type The type of encounter.  The options are: Limited, Comprehensive, PD, AKI, or Home Training.
Telehealth The encounter was completed via telehealth.  “Yes” will appear for any encounters completed via telehealth, meaning the “Yes” pill was selected in the encounter.  If the Telehealth option was not selected in the encounter, the column will be blank.
Total visits for Patient Total number of visits for the patient for the month.  Home Training encounters will not be included in this total.

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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