Patient Admission Requests (Medical Directors Only)

Patient Admission Requests allow Medical Directors to review and complete the patient admission process electronically. 

Medical Directors can access Patient Admission Requests through the task card on the Home page or Tasks > Patient Admission Requests menu.  Patient admission requests will only be available when a Clinic Review Request is sent to OneView via the Patient Placement System (PPS).  A pop-up message will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen when one or more requests have been flagged as needing priority review.  The message will contain a “Complete Patient Admission Request” link that can be clicked.

From the Patient Admission Request screen, the facility name and telephone number appears at the top along with a list of patients.  The patient’s name can be clicked to expand and review the patient admission records.  The records may contain the following data; patient name, modality, referral date, status, associated medical records, patient information, medical questionnaire, and referral information.  An orange flag signifies that the request has been flagged as needing immediate attention.  The immediate request may contain the reason and facility notes.  

The records may include blue hyperlinks that can be clicked to obtain additional information about the patient.  Under the “Associated Medical Records” section, FAST 4 records are sorted to the top of the list and have a star next to the name. The Neurology Notes link will also be accessible if available. 

The status buttons will be green when items are complete.

The Medical Director can either accept or deny the admission request.  If the request is denied, a reason will be required.  After the request has been acted upon, the response is sent to the Patient Placement System (PPS).  The status will show as Pending in OneView until a final decision is recorded in PPS.  If a new patient is accepted into their facility, the medical records will be retained in their queue for 14 days.

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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