Practice Demographics and Office Locations

Physicians and non-provider practice users with “Practice Super User” access can edit the practice demographics after they have confirmed their practice association.  The practice information will display but can be revised.  This functionality is currently only available to physicians and non-provider practice users with “Practice Super User " access.

To edit the practice demographics:

STEP 1:Click the Edit icon

NOTE: If the practice demographics are modified, it will change the demographic information for all of the practice associated providers.

STEP 2: Update appropriate practice demographic information

NOTE: All fields can be modified except for the Practice Name.

STEP 3: Click the Confirm button

To add an Office:

STEP 1: Select Settings > Practice from the left navigation menu

STEP 2: Click the +OFFICE icon in the My Practice banner

NOTE: If an office is added or modified, it will change for all practice users.

STEP 3: Add appropriate office demographic information

NOTE: All fields can be modified except the Practice Name and Tax ID #.

STEP 4: Click the SUBMIT button

To edit an office:

STEP 1: Select Settings > Practice from the left navigation menu

STEP 2: Click the Offices tab

NOTE: The office number badge displays to the right.

STEP 3: Click the Edit Office icon

NOTE: The primary office is denoted under the Location header and can only be edited.

STEP 4: Edit appropriate office demographic information

NOTE: All fields can be modified except the Practice Name and Tax ID #.

STEP 5: Click the SUBMIT button

To remove an office:

STEP 1: Select Settings > Practice from the left navigation menu

STEP 2: Click the Offices tab

STEP 3: Click the Remove Office icon

NOTE: The primary office is denoted under the Location header and can not be removed.

STEP 4: Click the CONFIRM button

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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