Practice User - Add Staff Members (Practice Super User only)

Non-provider practice users (NPPU) with Practice Super User access can invite other practice staff members to join OneView on behalf of their physicians.  Once the staff member completes the registration, they are granted limited read-only Billing access and can view practice setting information and patient data reports.

To add a non-provider practice user:

Click “+Add” in the Practice Staff area of the Home page

The staff member’s first name, last name, email address, and physician sponsor are required.  The email address will be the non-provider practice staff member’s username and cannot be changed during registration. Only physicians who have confirmed their association with the practice and have a valid email address appear in the Physician Sponsor dropdown.

A registration invitation email from is sent to the user and physician sponsor.  The registration expires after seven days from the date of the email. 

In the Practice Staff section of the Home page, a blue Pending banner with the number of days until the invitation expires displays above the user’s information until the user registration is complete.  The user has 7 days before the registration expires. If the registration expires, the user is removed from the practice and must be added again. 

If the registration process is completed, an additional email is sent to the non-provider practice user and will contain the OneView link, Username (their email address), and a temporary password.  The temporary password is valid for 24 hours.  During the initial login, the user will enter the username and temporary password received in the email.  The user is prompted to change their password upon login.  

Grant Permissions to Non-Provider Practice Users

Billing access is granted by default but other permissions can be granted that allows them to perform specific functions within OneView.  One of those features is to permit non-provider practice users to download finalized or finalized and amended encounter PDFs. Click this link to learn more about the user roles.

To grant permissions:

STEP 1: Select the Home page

STEP 2: Click the Access Setting tab

STEP 3: Select the non-provider practice users for "Clinical" or "Practice Super User" access

NOTE: Billing access is granted by default and gives the non-provider practice user the Monthly Visit Summary and Insurance Report. Practice Super Users can assign and remove covering rights, edit the practice address, add staff members, terminate non-provider practice users, and access all available modules. Non-Clinical job functions will be available in a future release.

Click this link to learn more about the user roles.

STEP 4: Click the Save button

NOTE: The name of who granted access and the access given date will appear next to the checkbox.

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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