Order Review at the Point of Care
The All Orders section of an encounter note allows providers to review their unsigned orders for a specific patient while rounding. This feature provides a consistent order review and signing cadence that promotes patient safety.
The All Orders section lists the patient’s unsigned orders entered at the physician’s direction by the care team in a DaVita facility. The count displayed to the right of the section header reflects the number of unsigned orders. The unsigned orders are listed by status (New, Changed, Discontinued, and Renewal) with the option to review. The physician may sign the order to complete the approval process or dispute the order for the registered nurse to address.
The Status, Order Type, and Order Description appear. Ellipses will be present if the entire details are not displayed due to space limitations. Hover the cursor over the order, and a tooltip will show the full details.
CWOW refuted orders will display with orders of the same status. CWOW refuted orders have an orange info icon.
Click the info icon for the refuted date and reason.
Providers can sign all their orders for the patient by selecting the “Reviewed, Select to Sign All” checkbox.
The provider can sign or dispute individual orders by selecting the appropriate icon to the right of the applicable order.
Providers cannot bulk dispute in the note. Instead, each order must be disputed individually by selecting the Dispute icon and entering a dispute reason.
An attestation is present at the bottom of the All Orders section. By clicking the Finalize button, the provider attests that they have met their obligation to meaningfully review selected orders. As a result, the orders are removed from the unsigned orders queue.
Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.