Clinical Summary

In Patient Chart, the Clinical Summary for Snappy patients will have the categories of: Medications, COVID-19, Treatment, Vaccines, Allergies, Notes, and Patient History.  The data displayed is read-only.  To add, update, or remove any of the data under this tab, the patient’s DaVita care team must be contacted.  

Medications data for the patient is available.  The patient’s active medications list from Snappy and CWOW is the default display.  The list will include both treatment and home medications.  To view all medications, active and inactive, select the All button.  The inactive medications will appear in lighter grey and will be in italics.  

NOTE: If a non-treatment medication was electronically prescribed through OneView, you may see duplicate records for that medication in this list with varying dates. Please refer to the version designated as “Entered by Care Team Member” for accurate dates for the prescription.

COVID-19 status and event data that a DaVita care team member entered into the Risk Event Management system (REM) are accessible.  An initial form is completed by the care team with the patient’s status and symptom information.  As updates occur, follow-up records are entered.  The initial entry and up to three of the most recent follow-up records of the patient’s COVID-19 status and event details will display.

A message located above the patient’s COVID-19 event records will include when the information was last updated from the REM system and to contact the DaVita care team if there is new or different information about the patient’s COVID status.  A message stating that there is no information will appear for patients with no COVID-19 status information.  The status information is pulled from REM every hour.

Treatment data for the patient, such as primary diagnosis, modality, dialysis start date, first day of dialysis ever, height, weight, BMI, access information, dialysis schedule, target weight, and treatment time can be referenced in this section in order to provide quality care and make informed medical decisions.  If a patient is designated as being part of a clinical study, a link is available to obtain the study details.  

The Treatment Details section includes links to the last delivered treatment.  Treatment dates can be viewed by hovering over the days of the week on the treatment details link.  If more than one treatment type has been provided within the last 5 dates of service, then details from those various treatments are available as a separate treatment details link.

To view details regarding the patient’s dialysis prescription, click on the treatment details link.  All data is read-only.  To update a patient’s dialysis prescription, please contact the patient’s DaVita care team.

Allergies will be visible for the patient when entered in Snappy.  “No Allergies have been documented for this Patient” displays if no allergies are entered for the patient.  “Patient Has No Known Allergies” will display for the patient with no known allergies.  

Vaccines administered in a DaVita clinic show the patient’s vaccination history within the last two years.  The vaccine name and date given will display for Snappy patients with the most recent one listed first.

For CWOW patients, the read-only vaccines data administered in a DaVita CWOW clinic will appear.  The data is read-only and displays the vaccines administered in a DaVita CWOW clinic.  The vaccines will be sorted by type and have the most recent vaccination appearing first.  Click the arrow next to the vaccination name and the historical vaccination information display.  The vaccination name and type, date given, place of administration, manufacturer, lot number, expiration date, site, administered by, data source, and refusal reason, if applicable, will show.  

Provider Notes contain OneView and Falcon Silver notes created for the patient.  The notes list will include all finalized and in progress notes that were created in OneView, but only the finalized notes from Falcon Silver.  The list defaults to the past 60 days of active notes but can be changed by selecting the dropdown to choose the past 6 months, year, or 2+ years or by selecting the Show Inactive checkbox.

The note detail will include the note type, date of the encounter, the physician who created the note, and note status.  Encounters marked as having a completed H&P will show the HP indicator next to the encounter note type.  Hover over the note to reveal the actions you can take on that note. To read more about H&P notes, click here.

NOTE: Only finalized Falcon Silver notes are visible within OneView.  These notes can be viewed by using the view PDF icon and cannot be modified or deactivated from OneView. 

The pencil icon is available to edit or amend the notes that are not older than 90 days from today's date.  Physicians can edit and finalize in progress encounter notes started by a non-physician provider (NPP).  A physician is not allowed to edit or finalize another physician’s note, and an NPP can not edit or finalize a physician or another NPP’s note.

Patient History contains the patient’s medical, surgical, social, and family history along with the date it was last updated.  History types with no history information will be blank.

To edit history:

Step 1: Select the appropriate history

Step 2: Click the Edit History icon

Step 3: Enter Comments

Step 4: Click the Save button

NOTE: The history information entered will also pre-populate into the History section of the encounter note.

IDT Assessments & Summaries section contains all CWOW IDT content Monthly Summaries.  The default tab is ASSESSMENTS. 

To view the summaries, click SUMMARIES.  The summaries provide a compilation of all discipline-specific documentation created in the month or quarter. For example, dietitian and nurse notes are populated monthly.  Social work notes are populated quarterly. 

Both tabs have the same functionality and defaults to the past 60 days.  The list can be changed by selecting the dropdown to choose the past 6 months, year, or 2+ years.  Unviewed IDT Assessments and Monthly Summaries will have a “Unread” status.  Once you view the content, the “Unread” status is removed.

Click the “View the PDF for this Document” icon to open the PDF.

The PDF will appear in a separate tab and can be viewed, printed, or downloaded.

NOTE: All information populated in a monthly summary PDF was finalized by a care team member in the past 6 months and also displayed in the associated care category on the ESRD/AKI tab.

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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