Refuted Orders
A provider has the ability to dispute an order assigned to them if the order is incorrect in some way. The order will be sent back to the DaVita teammate to modify, discontinue, change the provider, or refute. Disputed orders will be put on hold and cannot be acted upon until resolved and signed by the provider.
If the DaVita teammate disagrees with the dispute action, the order may be sent back to the OneView provider for further review in the form of a refuted order. A refuted order will appear in the top of the orders queue in the refuted orders grid. An order can only be refuted by a nurse a maximum of two times. If the second refute is disputed by the physician, the order will be put on hold.
The list of refuted orders will be positioned at the top of the provider’s CWOW Orders list. The list can be minimized by clicking the minus sign in the right corner of the header bar.
To sign a refuted order:
Step 1: Tap the applicable order
Step 2: Review the details of the order and, if appropriate, tap SIGN
NOTE: Comments related to why the order was refuted are located under the Dispute History section of the order details.
Alternate Option: Select Sign from the orders list
To dispute a refuted order:
Step 1: Tap the applicable order
Step 2: Review the details of the order and, if appropriate, tap DISPUTE AGAIN
Step 3: Enter an applicable reason
NOTE: If you select “Order Detail Incorrect” or “Other” a comment the length of at least 5 characters will be required.
Step 4: Click DISPUTE to confirm the dispute
The order will be removed from the CWOW Refuted Orders – Pending Review list and be sent to the CWOW clinic where the order originated. An order can only be refuted by a nurse a maximum of two times. If the second refute is disputed by the provider, the order will be put on hold.
Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.