Mobile ESRD/AKI Mgmt

ESRD/AKI Mgmt will include read-only comprehensive treatment and lab data relative to the patient’s modality.  The care categories drawers are: Status, ESRD/AKI Mgmt (which includes -Fluid/BP, Adequacy, Anemia, Nutrition, MBD, Infection and Other) and Microbiology

The functionality within each care category drawer works the same except for Microbiology which will contain cards.  Tap the category drawer to open. 

Status displays the patient status comments.  Tap to open. 

Patient Status displays the patient banner at the top followed by any available comments that have been entered for that section.  Each comment appears as a card.

Open the encounter note PDF associated with that comment by tapping on the comment. 

Up to 720 days of lab data can be retrieved under the other care categories except for the Fluid/BP care category which will display up to 120 days.  Scroll to the right to view more results or turn the mobile device horizontally to view in landscape mode.  

An indicator of H (High) or L (Low) to the right of any lab indicates that it is out of range.  High/Low lab values are in orange.  A dash signifies that there is no lab value for that date.

The long press (haptic touch) function can be used to view additional information about any lab value.  Touch the result with your fingertip and hold it there for a few moments.  The mobile device will vibrate, and the test name, result value, test code, reference range, collection date and time, and laboratory name will appear.  Only partial data will be viewable on the initial load; scroll down to view all the information.  Tap anywhere on the screen to return to the prior view.

Lab values that are underlined in blue indicate that there is a comment associated with a result or more than one lab value for that draw date.  Tap the blue underlined value to view the comment. 

Tap the “Show Lab Comments” to access the lab comment. 

To collapse the details, tap or slide the blue drawer navigation bar or tap on the X located in the top right corner.

Additional information about any medication dosage can be viewed by using the long press.  Touch the result with your fingertip and hold it there for a few moments.  After the mobile device vibrates,  the medication name, dose, unit, route, frequency, start date, discontinue date and reason, end date, and protocol, if available, will appear.  Only partial data will be viewable on the initial load; scroll down to view all the information.  Tap anywhere on the screen to return to the prior view.

The medication dosage that is underlined in blue indicates that there are multiple active orders.  Tap the blue underlined value to view the medication orders.

To collapse the details, tap or slide the blue navigation bar or tap on the X located in the top right corner.  

When the column has a draw date that is in orange instead of black, this designates a partial or incomplete treatment.  A column with an orange MTx indicator identifies a missed treatment.  If there are consecutive days missed, a count will show before the MTx.

Use the long press on the MTx indicator and the missed treatment date and reason can be obtained.

In the Anemia care category, tap the Mircera informational icon for a pop-up message that contains details about the patient's next dose of Mircera, if available, and an email address for questions or comments.

To view finalized encounter note comments for that specific care category from the past 90 days, tap Comments located at the bottom of the screen.  The comment(s) and the date of the encounter will display.  Comments displayed are from finalized encounter notes created in OneView.  Comments in an unfinalized OneView encounter note or a Falcon Silver encounter note will not be displayed.

Tap Treatment Details located at the bottom of the screen within each care category to view the treatment details.  

Microbiology results are listed in a card format.  The cards have a colored banner on the side of the card which represents the status of the lab result.  A grey banner indicates a preliminary result, while a blue banner indicates a final result with no growth, and an orange banner indicates a final result with growth.  Up to one year of microbiology results cards with the culture name, result date, comments, and results will display.

To view the full details of the microbiology result, tap on the appropriate result.  

Click “View Report” to open the microbiology final report.  To return to the microbiology screen, click “Back” located at the top right.

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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