Mobile Clinical Summary

Clinical Summary section contains drawers for the patient’s medications, treatment data, dialysis access, allergies, vaccine history, encounter notes and patient history.


Medications include the patient’s documented medications.  The patient’s active and inactive medications list from Snappy and MedCheck will display.  “Active” is the default and will list the patient’s current active prescriptions.  The data displayed is read-only.  

To view the medication details, tap the green arrow to expand.  To collapse the details, tap the green line.

“All” will display a list of patient’s active and inactive medications list.  The inactive medications will be greyed out.


Treatment data for the patient, such as primary diagnosis, modality, shift, DaVita dialysis start date, first day of dialysis ever, height, weight, BMI, target weight, treatment time, and last dialysis delivered details can be referenced in this section.

If a patient is designated as being part of a clinical study, it will display “Participant” followed by the number of studies in parenthesis.  To view the study details, tap the blue “Participant”.  To collapse the details, tap or slide the green drawer navigation bar or tap on the X located in the top right corner.

The Treatment Details section includes the last delivered treatment date.  If more than one treatment type has been provided within the last 5 dates of service, then details from those various treatments are listed separately.  To view the delivered treatment details, tap the blue “Tx Orders Details”.  

To collapse the details, tap or slide the green navigation bar or tap on the X located in the top right corner.


Access includes details regarding the patient’s dialysis access.  This section contains the primary and secondary access, if available, and displays the type, site, and placement date.


Allergies include a list of the patient’s active allergies.  The list will be sorted in alphabetic order.

“No Allergies have been documented for this Patient” displays if no allergy information has been entered for the patient.  “No Known Drug Allergies” appears if no known allergies to medications have been entered for the patient.  Non-drug allergies will display if entered.


Vaccines display the patient’s history of immunizations administered in a DaVita facility in the past two years. For Snappy patients, the vaccine name and date given will display with the most recent listed first.

The patient’s COVID-19 vaccination status displays in the banner at the top of the patient chart if vaccination records have been entered into Snappy.

For CWOW patients, the vaccine name, date given, lot number, expiration date, dose, site, administration route, place of administration, administered by, and data source displays, if available.

“No Vaccinations have been documented for this Patient” appears if no vaccines have been entered for the patient.


Notes provide the patient’s active and inactive notes for the past 90 days.  The Active tab is the default.  The note type, the provider who created the encounter, and the creation date are listed.  Tapping an encounter note displays a PDF with the contents of that encounter.  The information is read-only.

Tap the All tab to view active and inactive notes.  The inactive notes will be greyed out and have the Inactive status.

Notes can be edited or amended on Mobile. In the Clinical Summary section of the patient’s chart under Notes, a list of encounter notes for the past 90 days appears. Slide the appropriate note to the left to reveal the Edit or Amend option.

Patient History

Patient History is available in the Clinical Summary section of the patient’s chart for all CWOW In Center Hemodialysis (ICHD), Peritoneal Dialysis (PD), and Home Hemodialysis (HHD) patients.

Patient History contains the patient’s medical, surgical, social, and family history and the date it was last updated. History types with no history information will be blank. Up to five lines of detail are visible. Tap the “See more” link to view the full details.

To edit, slide the appropriate history section to the left to reveal the Edit option.

Enter comments and tap SAVE.

The comment and last update date appear in the Patient History.

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and does not represent actual patient data.

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